My First Interview With LookVine
Read my interview with LookVine. Questioner For The Interview : 1. What is One fashion rule you never break? I cannot wear an outfit that makes me uncomfortable, no matter how expensive it may be or whatever the brand name is. 2. What interests you in Fashion? I think fashion is an extension of my personality. I have always had a passion and respect for fashion even from a young age. I imagine this is because of my grandma, whom I would say was the ultimate fashionista. She rocked and she inspired me a lot as a young girl before she joined her ancestors. 3. What styling advice would you give to your younger self? Know what fits your body. Don’t buy clothes or shoes because they are on sale. You dont have to wear brand named clothes and accessories like most celebrities or dress like some famous bloggers. Stop stressing over what other people think about your style and appearance. Self confidence is the key! Lack of confidence makes you less attractive. 4. How would you describe a perf...